Most women take immense pride in the quality and health of their hair. This is understandably an important priority, as our hair is one of the very first things people notice about us. It protects our scalp, frames our face, and gives us an outlet for being creative with fun cuts, colors, and styles. Contrary to popular belief, hair loss is actually a completely natural occurrence. In fact, the hair goes through stages which entail shedding, shrunken follicles, and then hair regrowth. Unfortunately, women can become impacted by excessive hair loss that goes beyond the normal growth cycle due to various factors.

If you have recently noticed your hair has fallen out more than normal or appears thinner than before, we encourage you to read the article below that lists some of the biggest factors in women’s hair loss:

Q: Can childbirth contribute to hair loss for women?

A: Many women may notice that their hair has gotten longer and thicker in rapid speed during pregnancy. This is often due to the surge of hormones throughout the body that encourage hair growth, such as estrogen. The specific stage in which follicles shrink and hair falls out can halt drastically during pregnancy, leading to temporarily luscious locks.

But then after delivery, the hair may begin going through the typical stages of shedding and regrowth once again. Some women may have mild shedding, while others notice a vast difference in the strength and thickness of their hair in the months to follow.

Q: Is dandruff linked to hair loss?

A: When the scalp is irritated and itchy, it can be an automatic response to scratch your head aggressively. But, by doing so it can cause more hair shedding than usual. Dandruff can be linked to hair loss because it can trigger an intense itching sensation which is temporarily relieved through vigorous scratching. Women who have dandruff can purchase medicated shampoo and conditioner to help restore not only scalp health but promote normal hair growth.

Q: How directly can stress make hair loss happen?

A: Mild stress may not be enough to directly cause hair loss. However, if a person is experiencing a traumatic life event such as a family member passing away, job loss, big move, or divorce, stress can contribute to hair loss. When the stress hormone cortisol floods the system, the hair growth cycle can temporarily halt as the body is focusing on getting through the emotional event.  

Q: Could my favorite hairstyles be causing baldness or hair thinning?

A: Yes, wearing too tight of hairstyles all the time can cause hair loss or thinning, specifically a condition called traction alopecia. Women who wear braids or ponytails that are too tight regularly, can slowly lead to a thinning of the hairline. Hair loss can be permanent if such hairstyles are worn long-term. The hair follicle may become so damaged that it is scarred and beyond repair. If pulling hair back is necessary for a job or just due to personal preference, try to refrain from setting it too snuggly.


Wikipedia, Hair Treatment

Dr. Robin Unger, MD, Hair Loss Treatment New York